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Commitment to the environment

Commitment to conservation of the environment is becoming more and more evident in our society, and regulations are becoming stricter. Respect for the environment is a priority which we at Grandvalira strive for every day, trying to cause the lowest possible impact, taking advantage of all necessary resources, but always with an attitude of respect and conservation. 

The different teams work with strategic guidelines to ensure sustainability, as well as encouraging visitors to act responsibly with the natural environment.

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Grandvalira Soldeu - El Tarter

Environmental policy

Our environmental policy goes beyond our own activity. We ask suppliers and sub-contractors to sign an Environmental Respect document as a commitment to environmentally friendly management. In addition, we prioritize the use of sustainable materials and the preservation of the natural resources we use. Water is a precious and essential commodity for Grandvalira, which is why we have various systems that allow us to control the use of this resource throughout the year and prevent waste.

The snow making system optimizes the use of natural resources through information from the sonar installed on the snowplows and GPS mapping of all the slopes in the resort. This information reflects the real state of the snow cover meaning that snow cannons produce, when the weather conditions are optimal, the exact quantity required without wasting water or electricity. It also contributes to reducing the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere.

In an effort to reduce our CO2 emissions, 100% of the electricity used in our resort comes from renewable energy. The LLUM VERDA seal, awarded by FEDA and ratified by the Government of Andorra, certifies our commitment. 

Grandvalira priories the effort and investment in minimizing the impact of our facilities on the landscape. The resort oversees the conservation of mountain ecosystems, including biodiversity. As such, in Grandvalira we protect fauna through actions such as signalling the cables of the ski lifts to prevent bird accidents, we conserve and defend the natural environment where the capercaillie is found, a protected species throughout Europe, and we work with farming to facilitate and safeguard the historical uses of the mountains.

In addition, we work to revegetate spaces in the territory that have been disturbed. Some of these actions are carried out using native seeds from the country collected by the resort operators themselves, which are preserved and reintroduced into the landscape.

Three-year plans for revegetation of damaged areas help maintain the landscape and promote the natural balance of the environment.

All these actions are carried out to preserve the resources around the resort. We have a specific environmental management plan, policies and procedures for achieving these objectives, in accordance with ISO 14001:2015. 


We have a specific environmental management plan, policies, and procedures to achieve these goals in Grandvalira Soldeu - El Tarter in accordance with the ISO 14001:2015 standard. In these sectors of the resort we have quality management to meet the needs and requirements of all stakeholders. For this task, we have ISO 9001:2015 certification, which guarantees that we can offer the quality that skiers deserve based on a set of policies, procedures, and tools.

Risk prevention

At Grandvalira Soldeu - El Tarter we have the ISO 45001:2018 standard, through the Occupational Health and Safety Management System, which provides for aspects related to the health, well-being, and safety of workers. We organize regular medical check-ups for workers and each season we invest in job safety training courses.

Food safety 

The Soldeu, El Tarter, and Canillo sectors are certified in accordance with ISO 22000, with the basic aim of guaranteeing food safety. In parallel, this improves consumer protection and increases confidence. We also establish effective management requirements and parameters.

Obtaining this certification publicly demonstrates our commitment to such a sensitive issue for society and public opinion as food safety, and places the organization in an advantageous position over its competitors. Grandvalira is a pioneer in this respect and one of the few resorts in the world to have this certification.

Sustainable development

We are convinced at Grandvalira that the quality of our collaboration with stakeholders contributes to our economic, environmental, ethical and social performance. That is why we preserve the richness of our environment, promote equality and diversity, and act so as to be recognized as a benchmark company.

As such, at Grandvalira we have aligned ourselves with the 2030 Agenda and have voluntarily implemented sustainable development goals :

  • Equality plans, and diversity and inclusion management
  • Work–life balance
  • Training plans
  • Sustainable water and wastewater management
  • Efficient and responsible use of water resources
  • Increased use of eco-designed products and materials with eco-responsible and sustainable certifications
  • Responsible consumption: support for local producers, km 0 and the purchase of material with accredited certifications
  • Increased use of renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • Calculation and monitoring of the carbon footprint.